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 posts from Wednesday, March 27

Circus Blue

Her name was Blue
Like the color
or the cheese
Except less crumbly

She had a fox ring
It looked shiny
She was dirty
And worked at Jack in the Box

More importantly
I got some tacos
And you like it
Damn that's yummy stuff

Thanks Blue!
You made my day
In a foxy way
Where'd you get that thing??!
That shiny ring
I bet you sing
Just like a pony.

 posts from Thursday, March 21


No one likes section
They all refer to section and section 2.2

No one reads section
Most don't read past section

If no one reads past section
And everyone is referred to section 2.2
Then think about how section feels.

It feels that numerically delineated documentation sucks.

 posts from Tuesday, March 19

Ode to an Ode

Oh ode, you crazy ode
Like an oat, but crazy!
I eat cereal and they make it out of you?
No, that's oats again!

When I'm bored I eat odes
Oh my bad, did it again..
Horses like oats
But not particularly odes.

They should make cereal out of you
Anyway. I think it would be yummy
With pink frosted rabbit marshmallows
Holy crap it's too much sugar!
And then all the kids go into insulin shock
What have I done?!
No what have you done!?
You killed Timmy, and he had potential.
Timmy, oh Timmy, I am sorry.
How bout we just use oats next time!
I think so!

 posts from Wednesday, March 13

Wicker Fever

Wicker chair, oh wicker chair
You creak when I touch you
Not that I care

You're scratchy and a little bit frayed
But your worth damn near twice what I paid

Wicker chair, oh wicker chair
You have pants and a hat
You're covered in hair

Hey wait a minute! Wicker chairs don't wear shoes!
I appologize, Timmy, you may go home!

Sock Puppet Disco

Once upon a time
A rabbit, a sock and a mime
Went to the disco to dance
The rabbit wore corduroy pants
And the sock wore a tux for the ladies.
The mime was unusually shady,
And a fight broke out by the door.
The sock knocked the mime on the floor.
The rabbit was drunk
Along came a skunk
And the mime then went off with a whore.

 posts from Monday, March 11

Oh No I Didn't

For whatever reason now there stands
A deep fried taco in my hands
I don't know why I have it here
A deep fried taco all too near
In fact it just bit me on the arm
So I sounded the deep fried taco attack warning alarm
And then some space marines came and shot it
Which is kinda sad
Because I think it had a family of french-fries
'Cause I found a picture in its wallet
Now I feel bad
Oh well, I'll just drink my oj

 posts from Thursday, March 7

Lord of the Pandas

This kid lived in a cave and he was very tiny
He got a ring for his birthday and it was very shiny
I think then we went to the store for milk and got lost
And probably a dragon kidnapped him
And then there was some fire like in the preview
Oh and his name is Elijah and he's a hobbit
At which point they end up fighting a rival street gang
And then the kid's like "Hey I got this ring and I should pawn it"
So after that "Pawn Shop" is the soundtrack, which is by Sublime
And then he buys a tv and watches Trading Spaces
Why do they always make stuff asian when the people don't like it?

 posts from Tuesday, March 5

Magic Whopper

When Foxy wants a whopper
You know no one can stop 'er
She's gonna go buy fifty
Cause she thinks them's are nifty
I though she might be fakin'
But Santa likes his bacon
Whoppers forever!!!!

Greasetastic Biscuit

I bought a biscuit from Jack in the Box
It made me happy from my hair to my socks
It's kinda greasy, but so is your mom
And two-dolla tuesdays at your mom's are the bomb
Now I'm not hungry and I gots my oj
Me and my buiscuit gonna have a partay
And you can come if you bring party whistles. Thanks.

 posts from Sunday, March 3

Koala One

He's missing a foot
Got glaucoma
Can't read
Kinda raggedy
Sleeps on a desk
Getting old
My mom likes ebay
Koala get sold.

 posts from Friday, March 1

Roses are blue

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Cats are usually black,
But also come in other colors
Except green
But we all know that's because they'd look too much
Like rabbits!
What's up now rabbit?!
I will kill you!

Goodnight #2

Thank you
And good night
I have no doubt
What I'll dream about
So thank you
And good night

This page has been molested  times since March 11th, 2002.